Can you believe we are almost in the 10th month of 2020? For me, this year has absolutely flown by. But when I first went into lockdown, each day seemed to drag - it felt like my last experiences of "normal life" were miles into the past. Even ...
The ability to bounce back or recover quickly from adversity is an important skill to be cultivated. Building resilience helps us adapt to changes, cope with tragedy, and reduce our reactivity to everyday stressors. In fact, this process helps with ...
For thousands of years, humans have been using natural plant extracts as a source of medicinal therapies. Over the years, we’ve studied plants and have learned how to apply their different properties to benefit the field of medicine. In fact, many ...
Most of us are aware that sound creates a variety of emotions and responses. Sirens can cause us to feel anxious, alarmed, or alert. Listening to ocean waves can ease us into a relaxed state of calm. In fact, movies have been using music and entire ...
Hobbies improve our quality of life. They give us activities to engage in and things to look forward to outside of our careers. In fact, they can help us build relationships or be woven into our efforts towards a healthy lifestyle. Most importantly, ...
I am a professed ‘early bird’. I love nothing better than being awake in the quiet of the morning with my tea and time to think. Even now when I am on holiday, I am still up early as I have gotten myself into such a strong routine and always feel ...
Meditation has numerous benefits for our bodies and brains, which is why it gets recommended often as a way to improve our overall health, including our brain health. As the practice becomes more mainstream, it’s becoming easier to access. There is ...
Exercising our brain is just as important as exercising our bodies. In fact, it’s the most important muscle in our body. Yet many of us often feel that we don’t have enough spare time in our day to fit in any exercise, either physical or mental. The ...
Nature lovers have long extolled the calming effect nature has on our bodies and minds. And many of us have experienced these effects first hand. As science studies the links between nature and our health, new therapies and methodologies are born.
Laughter is often touted as the best medicine for when we feel glum. Except, it isn’t always that easy. Many of us feel overwhelmed by daily stress. Being bombarded by constant global news coverage and adding an overload of tasks and chores in our ...