Does Your Brain Feel ‘Christmas-y’ Too? Check Out How It Reacts!

Does Your Brain Feel ‘Christmas-y’ Too? Check Out How It Reacts!

Are you invested in the holiday season a little too much? Do you feel like Christmas has genuine powers to make you feel happier? Chances are, you might be right. Recent studies show that most people experience a drastic change in their brain functions during holidays. Continue reading to find out how your brain reacts to this festival.

#1 Holiday season joy

Around Christmas, you feel the festive spirit seeping into your body. This brings you comfort from within, and you are instantly happier. However, this happiness is not just because of your innate love for the festival. It could be because Christmas time means holidays, and what is better than a break from work?

Studies show that during the holidays, people, in general, are happier, and it is not just psychological aspects that factor in. The dopamine and serotonin levels in people around the holidays were significantly higher than all year round. According to research conducted by the University of Copenhagen, festive images sparked joy in people. The brain’s pleasure centers and areas that control voluntary motion were triggered in people who were shown Christmas related pictures.

#2 Stress

A lot goes down during the holiday season. You are struggling to buy gifts for everyone, planning parties, and get-togethers and getting in those hours at the church. All this is bound to get to you at some point and put you under a lot of stress. Countless studies can back this argument up with scientific proof. Your brain during the holidays is under a lot of stress. This stress triggers the release of adrenaline and cortisol in your body. These hormones are responsible for inducing all stress-related symptoms like elevated blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

#3 Sharing your joy with others

The holiday season is the time of the year where you don’t mind giving out presents to people. This is because people feel exceptionally generous when it comes to this holiday. People find joy in giving and sharing with others. This happens because your brain reacts to the happiness of other people. It releases endorphins in your body, which makes you happier in return.

#4 Gluttonizing

The holiday is the best time to indulge in your cravings and eat until you cannot anymore. This is because of the festive spirit and the fact that you cut yourself some slack. Everyone unwinds, and people let loose during the holiday season. We all want to relax and enjoy ourselves as much as we can. This can lead to overeating and overindulging in your craving. Once in a while, it is normal to eat until you cannot breathe, but if this becomes a habit, you might end up hurting your brain’s hippocampus. Try to limit overindulging to the holidays only so that you can enjoy yourself without facing any adverse consequences.

#5 Getting closer to loved ones

Spending time with your family is another festive activity we all love indulging in. This is because being surrounded by love and affection can be very helpful for your brain. Apart from having psychological perks, being around your family is good for your brain too. It releases hormones like oxytocin, which is responsible for showing physical affection. The levels of oxytocin are heightened in people during the holiday.

Christmas does have magical powers, and it sure has a lot of control over us. The next time you feel like you are going overboard with your festive spirit, don’t worry. It is natural, and science can back you up!

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