Why Reading Matters and How to Read More

Why Reading Matters and How to Read More

One book is enough to change the rest of your life.

Many businessmen came up with their best ideas while being engaged in the content of a book on a completely different subject. Reading allows your brain to make new connections and generate ideas.

Leaders and high achievers from all fields are avid readers. They know the power of reading and that some of its main benefits include improved concentration and memory and better thinking skills.

People who are under stress often notice that reading is the only thing that can get them to sleep at night, it helps them slow down, be mindful, think about what matters, and – ultimately – let go of the stress and what caused it.

Writers read too as it’s directly related to boosting your writing skills and being able to express yourself better. You stimulate your mind and your vocabulary expands.

With the rise of digital technology, information overload, and social media, people read less and less, especially the younger generations. Because of that, their attention span is shorter, they aren’t familiar with different genres and how each can help them develop valuable skills and amazing personal qualities, and don’t increase white matter in their brain (which is yet another one of the advantages of being a reader).

Regardless of how our culture and behavior are changing, reading will still be a sacred activity than anyone should practice from a young age.

To start reading more, you can do the following:

Create a morning ritual.

Wake up earlier, enjoy the solitude of the early hours of the day, drink your coffee or tea slowly, and read a good book.

Leave technology behind before bed.

Using your phone, tablet or laptop in bed is a harmful habit that costs you your peace of mind and good sleep. Don’t use any devices right before bed. Instead, grab a book and see how it helps you fall asleep quickly and naturally.

Set a small reading goal.

Don’t try to read all the time or complete a book as soon as possible because it will feel like an obligation, and that will kill your motivation to enjoy the content of the book.

Instead, simply choose what you’ll be reading first and give it time. A page a day is enough to allow you to improve your focus and build the habit of reading over time.

If you’re a parent, read to or with your children.

That will set a good example for them and will help you become a regular reader too.

Don’t limit yourself to what you already know.

Try different genres. You never know what will grab your interest and entertain you the most.

If you need a motivation boost, Read a Book Day is happening right now. Knowing that millions of people across the globe spend a big part of the day reading something nice and then share it with others online using #ReadaBookDay, can be a great reason to start your new hobby today.

Celebrate National Read a Book Day

Every year on September 6th, people from all over the world are encouraged to grab a book and dive into its content.

National Read a Book Day reminds us of the magic hidden inside the pages of a good book. We can forget about our problems for a while and enter a whole new reality of entertainment, self-realization and knowledge.

With summer coming to an end, you can start a new activity like regular reading and turn it into your hobby, therapy, learning experience and even use it as a way to reach other like-minded people. That can happen by joining forums or simply using the right hashtags on social media to contact others reading the same book. Over time, you can participate in challenges, give and receive recommendations and even make friends.

To make the most of the book you grab today, read it slowly. Ensure a distraction-free environment so you can focus solely on the text. Highlight quotes or thoughts, take notes. These might be used to help you come to important realizations about yourself and your life later on.

Read a Book Day is here to remind you that reading is not something you must do or what school is all about. It’s an activity that can help us become better versions of ourselves, a way to learn a lot of things for the rest of our lives naturally and keep our brains young.

What book will you grab today?

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