Pampering is often seen as an indulgence. A treat, reserved for special occasions; the extra splurges we simply don’t have time for. Or, perhaps we see pampering as something we do for others. The time and attention we give to make them feel as ...
Is there any better feeling than climbing into your bed after a long, busy day? To snuggle up under the covers and drift off to the land of nod is quite literally a dream. And whether you are a light or heavy sleeper, a morning or evening person or ...
Women make up a substantial portion of the working world. They’re breaking through gender barriers across all industries, providing essential leadership and smashing through their goals like never before. It’s no wonder many full-time working women ...
Where were you when you found your first grey hair? I was sat in front of my mirror getting ready for another day in the lab when I noticed the silver strand standing out against my red locks. As a 27 year old who is doing a PhD, I thought this hair ...
In the words of Stephen King: “Books are a uniquely portable magic.” A special kind of brain magic because books help the brain increase and enhance its mental functions. Reading books daily is an exercise our brain needs to be at its optimal ...
Neurofeedback is a type of therapy used to help with the symptoms of many brain-related conditions, such as ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, migraines, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s Disease, to name a few. By using a brain-mapping device—most commonly an ...
How much do you lift (bro)? If I asked this question a decade ago, most probably only a small proportion of people would raise their muscle-born arms. But with the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and their #fitfam, many individuals are ...
Our brain is the most fascinating organ of our body. When it comes to memories, our brain is constantly tweaking them to our benefit. But that doesn’t mean our memories are perfect. When it comes to good memories, especially of shared moments with ...
Who does not wish to have a healthy body and a sound mind? Everybody! With proper rest and a good diet, you can retain your physical energy. However, what about your mental health? Our mind controls our body. If we allow it to descend into silent ...
Your brain is the most energy-consuming organ in your entire body. The amount of oxygen your brain needs to get through a normal day is a fifth of your whole body’s supply. The way we get this hefty amount of oxygen to our brains is via the ...