8 Principles of Recall

8 Principles of Recall

Did you know that only 1/3 of your memory is determined by your biology and genetics? The rest is completely under your control. That’s why it’s so crucial to work on your memory – and you can start by learning the 8 Principles of Recall listed below.

1) Primacy.

You’re more likely to remember the information that you learned at the beginning of an event or series.

2) Organization.

If you had to memorize a random list of 10, wouldn’t it be easier if 4 of them were fruits? Organizing information helps you remember it.

3) Uniqueness.

You remember items that are unique, so you’re less likely to remember Michael’s name than Merida’s.

4) Recency.

You’re more likely to remember what you hear at the end of a series. If you’re cramming for an exam, help yourself remember by taking breaks to create more beginnings and ends.

5) Emotions.

Attaching a strong emotion to a particular piece of information helps you encode it and remember it long-term.

6) Familiarity.

If your new acquaintance has the same name as your sister, you’ll remember it. Familiarity breeds memory.

7) Visualization.

Picturing new information in a unique way helps you remember it – one great technique is the story method.

8) Association.

Your memory is really just a chain of links. So associating new information with something you already know helps you remember it.

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