This Year, Don’t Fail Your Fitness Resolution: Here’s How To Make It Successful

This Year, Don’t Fail Your Fitness Resolution: Here’s How To Make It Successful

No research or fact check needs to verify the statement that one of the most common resolutions that aspirants bank upon towards every New Year’s Eve is to get fit. And let’s get serious; it’s an entirely reasonable resolution. At least until it is time to actually buckle up and start. Well, we know that by now, you must have read hundreds of motivational quotes and gone through several transformation stories. We’re just here with that one last push that will help you get down to business!

Start Slow

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your body is no different. High expectations will only result in hard let downs. So, in the initial 8 weeks, just focus on starting, and of course, continuing. Starting slow will help you go a long way.

Figure Out What Suits You

Not everyone needs a gym, nor does everyone need lengthy diet plans, personal trainers, and fancy memberships. Find a nearby track and simply start walking, turn those walks into jogs and those jogs into runs, don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be.

Consistency Is The Key

You know it, your mom knows it, and Obama knows it. This pointer is self-explanatory but will form the crux of your journey to that number on the scale. If you are not able to follow the entire routine, do half of it, but do not stop! Because the only workout that doesn’t count is the one you didn’t do.

Make It More Than Just A Goal

Every time you don your fitness gear, don’t step out with the sole purpose of losing weight. Make this time a bit more personal, spend some time with yourself. Let the pain of sore muscles relax you. Get some air and listen to your favorite tracks. Do anything that makes you look forward to these hours with yourself.

Make A Buddy

A fitness buddy is always a good idea. When you have excuses, they’ll be there to drag you out there and vice versa. Push each other, grow together, and make memories out of a journey!
Know Your Limit

Do not go binge watching fitness videos of professional athletes and fitness gurus one day and imitate the same routines the next. Have patience! Your body is working and healing. Only when you know your limit, will you know when to push them. You can’t expect to fulfill your motivations overnight and get in shape!

You could read a hundred transformation stories, watch a million videos, and keep wishfully wanting the body you dreamt of, or you could go ahead and actually take the first step towards it. No number of articles or videos will work if you yourself don’t. Be stronger than your strongest excuse this year. We know you can do it; it’s time to show yourself that you can too. This year and for all the coming ones, don’t let your fitness resolutions bring you down.

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