Stress Management Tips for the Corona Outbreak

The outbreak of the Covid-19 coronavirus disease has created panic and turbulence the world over. From fears of catching the disease to the jitters of facing social isolation, there is indeed a lot that to give us added stress over what we already deal with every day.

Chronic stress is something that has the potential to turn you sick even if you were not before, and the last thing we need in these troubled times is another health scare, right? Stress management, therefore, is a crucial skill we need to master at these troubled times. Here are some strategies you can employ to that effect.

1- Avoid the News

While it is important to know the facts, repeated and obsessive viewing/reading of corona-related news will only deepen your anxiety. Too much information overwhelms us anyway, and such an upsetting topic will put you in a state of constant stress which can be hard to break out of.

Limit your daily news fix to a certain time, try not to discuss rumors or unofficial data. Completely avoid unverified news sources like social media or email forwards. Follow the guidelines of the World Health Organization.

2- Don’t google, consult a doctor

While the internet is our savior in most things of life, health isn’t and should not be one of them. If you feel that you are exhibiting some symptoms, do not google them. instead, call up a doctor or health professional. Websites may contain generalized information, or specific instances may be presented as general rules of thumb.

Actual symptoms are much more complicated and are dependant on several factors, including your lifestyle and underlying issues. A check-up or consultation is the only way to know for sure. Anything else will only serve to confuse and stress you more.

3- Get some workout

When you are feeling down in the mind, your body can be your greatest help. Physical exercises release several happy hormones, activates the brain’s reward cycle, and provides you with a shot of energy and adrenaline to deal with any cortisol build-up you are experiencing because of the upsetting circumstances. You don’t have to hit the gym for that. Spot jogging on the terrace is good enough, as is dancing to some crazy beats in your room!

4- Meditation and breathing exercises

When you are too bogged down by stress, taking a deep breath can help. For a chronic stressful situation like the corona pandemic, make it into a habit. Meditation and guided breathing exercises are great practices for reducing stress. In the short-term, they will help you relax. In the long run, they will give you greater control over your anxiety and stress. Make it a point to allocate a significant period of your day to meditation and breathing exercises in a relaxed atmosphere, preferably with some calm music and scents.

5- Don’t procrastinate about preparations

Stress affects us in different ways. While some go into an obsessive mode, washing hands every few minutes or over-sharing rumors. Others, however, may try to think that everything is normal and fail to take necessary precautions. This too is a stress response and an extremely harmful one.

Putting off preparations or avoiding the situation does not make it go away from your mind. The worry and anxiety deepen in your subconscious, and over-time guilt is added to it. Understanding and accepting the situation is the first step to dealing with it. Consult the WHO guidelines or your doctor and take the necessary steps.

6- Talk to people you trust

Expressing your worries and anxieties is always helpful. In a situation that mandates social isolation, it is doubly so. Talk to people you trust; your family or close friends. While discussing unverified facts is inadvisable, sharing your worries may help. Also, speaking to loved ones release a number of feel-good hormones like dopamine and oxytocin, which automatically brings down stress. Check-up on an elderly relative, or a sibling who lives far away.


A Pandemic outbreak is a tough time to live through. But remember, you are not alone. The entire world is in this together. Stay calm and positive, and there is nothing the human mind cannot overcome!

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